Heating Degree Day Information
A heating degree day is a measurement designed to quantify the demand for energy needed to heat and cool buildings. The number of degree days applied to any specific day of the week is determined by calculating the mean temperature for the day and then comparing the mean temperature to a base value of 65 degrees Fahrenheit, 18 degrees Celsius.
MEMA provides regional heating degree day information from September 1 through May 31 for Boston, Chicopee, Hyannis, Pittsfield, and Worcester. Follow the links below for current degree day information in Pdf format. The documents also provide monthly and seasonal comparisons to the prior season.

Daily Heating Degree Day Info Available
Members of MEMA can access a toll-free daily degree day reporting service for Boston, Chicopee, Hyannis, Pittsfield, and Worcester. Contact MEMA for the toll-free number and access codes.